The Problem

Giving users a view into a long list of items is a common function. A popular way to manage that view is to use Django's built in pagination feature, allowing links to different pages to be easily created.

This works well as long as no other GET parameters need to be used in parallel. It starts to break down a bit as sorting, filtering, page size, and other functions are added. This post will annotate and explain an elegant fix found at

A Little More In Depth

To be clear, the above problem is not insurmountable. Assuming a Django template with a context containing:

  • a page object named page_obj (paired with the GET parameter of page)
  • a filter constraint filter (paired with the GET parameter of filter)
  • a sort constraint sort (paired with the GET parameter of sort)


<a href="?page={{ page_obj.next_page_number }}&filter={{ filter }}&sort={{ sort }}">

will work. However, it requires all of the GET parameters to be known, as well as their values. It also would need to be updated any time the possible GET parameters change. This is a lot of extra work for something that is tangential to the pagination function.

The Setup

To lessen the technical burden of pagination, implement a template tag. The first thing to do when creating a custom template tag is to decide which app to put it in. If the tag is only needed for a single app, then it can be put inside that app's directory. It can also be placed in a dedicated app. The only requirement in order to use the tag is that the app it is defined in is included in the INSTALLED_APPS config tuple.

Create a directory named templatetags inside of the chosen app, create the file, and then start a new file named, where foo is the app name. Start the template tag off with:

from django import template

register = template.Library()

This sets up the module to implement a Django template tag.

A Helping Hand

Template tags generally require a bit of boilerplate that does not change much across all tags. Make a decorator that reduces the need to worry about this boilerplate:

def easy_tag(func):
    def inner(parser, token):
            return func(*token.split_contents())
        except TypeError:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(
                'Bad arguments for tag "%s"' % token.split_contents()[0])
    inner.__name__ = func.__name__
    inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__
    return inner

The easy_tag decorator wraps the real logic of the tag with the necessary parsing of the tag parameters. The inner function has the signature required of a template tag: the two arguments parser and token.

parser will not be used in this tag, so it can be ignored. token is the tag in its entirety, as it exists in the template. The inner function tries to call the split_contents method of the token, which splits the text of the entire tag into space delimited pieces. Note that split_contents is used, which takes care to keep quoted strings as a single item (as opposed to split which does not).

For example, if the template were to call a test tag:

{% test foo "bar baz" foo %}

And a template tag was defined as:

def test(tag_name, arg1, arg2, arg3):

Then the test function would be wrapped in the easy_tag call. The easy_tag decorator would handle splitting the args into the pieces

['test', 'foo', '"bar baz"', 'foo']

and passing that as the arg list into test. In this case, tag_name would be assigned the value test, since that is the first item in the list. arg1 would be assigned foo, arg2 would be assigned "bar baz", and arg3 would be assigned foo. In addition to splitting the tag, the decorator handles catching any errors encountered while executing the tag's code, and throwing a TemplateSyntaxError exception. It creates a descriptive exception message by adding in the tag name, which is always the first item of the list returned by split_contents. It also sets the name and documentation string of the function being wrapped to the new function created by the decorator in order to keep everything consistent.

Parsing the Tag Arguments

The next step in creating the tag is to begin implementing the template.Node subclass. This will be the meat of the custom tag. A Node object is what must be be returned when registering a template tag via register.tag. The Node object requires two methods: __init__ and render. The first step will be to create the __init__ method:

class AppendGetNode(template.Node):
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.dict_pairs = {}
        for pair in dict.split(','):
            pair = pair.split('=')
            self.dict_pairs[pair[0]] = template.Variable(pair[1])

The __init__ method should handle compiling the tag argument into a usable data structure. The method will assume that argument is a string whose value is a comma-delimited list of key value pairs, and that each key value pair will be separated by an equals sign. It also assumes that each value is a template variable, and must be resolved. It uses each key and resolved value to construct a dictionary of data, saving it as the instance variable dict_pairs. These will be used as the first step when creating the new request.

The Render Method

The render method is the other required method of the Node instance. It will handle the final creation of the string that will be returned as the output of the tag.

def render(self, context):
    get = context['request'].GET.copy()

    for key in self.dict_pairs:
        get[key] = self.dict_pairs[key].resolve(context)

    path = context['request'].META['PATH_INFO']

    if len(get):
        path += "?%s" % "&".join(
            ["%s=%s" % (key, value) for (key, value) in get.items() if value])

    return path

The first thing the render method does is create a copy of the current GET QueryDict. A copy is made because the GET object itself is immutable. Using this as a starting point, the key/value pairs passed in via the tag are added (overwriting any of the current GET parameters). The path is retrieved from the request headers, and then the new GET QueryDict is checked. If it has any items, they are appended to the path to return the new request.

Final Touches

The final step to implement the template tag is to create a function that the decorators can be applied to. This will be the entry point of the tag.

def append_to_get(tag_name, args):
    return AppendGetNode(dict)

A function named append_to_get is created, which takes in the name of the tag as tag_name, and the single argument of the tag (the comma-delimited key-value pairs) as args. This function is first decorated by the easy_tag decorator. As described previously, this decorator:

  • accepts a function as an argument
  • returns a function that:
    • has the arguments expected of a template tag (taking in the parser and token args)
    • returns the result of the function it decorates (append_to_get) after it has been passed the result of split_contents

That function is then decorated again with the standard Django register.tag decorator, in order to ready it for use in a Django app. The append_to_get method itself merely creates the template.Node subclass.

The Final Product

Putting everything together, this is what the final product looks like:

from django import template

register = template.Library()

Decorator to facilitate template tag creation
def easy_tag(func):
    """Split the tag into pieces and call the wrapped function with the
list that is returned."""
    def inner(parser, token):
            return func(*token.split_contents())
        except TypeError:
            raise template.TemplateSyntaxError(
                'Bad arguments for tag "%s"' % token.split_contents()[0])
    inner.__name__ = func.__name__
    inner.__doc__ = func.__doc__
    return inner

class AppendGetNode(template.Node):
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.dict_pairs = {}
        for pair in args.split(','):
            pair = pair.split('=')
            self.dict_pairs[pair[0]] = template.Variable(pair[1])

    def render(self, context):
        get = context['request'].GET.copy()

        for key in self.dict_pairs:
            get[key] = self.dict_pairs[key].resolve(context)

        path = context['request'].META['PATH_INFO']

        if len(get):
            path += "?%s" % "&".join(
                ["%s=%s" % (key, value) for (key, value) in get.items() if value])

        return path

def append_to_get(tag_name, args):
    return AppendGetNode(dict)

New and Improved

With all of the above in place, the repetitive and brittle template from above:

<a href="?page={{ page_obj.next_page_number }}&filter={{ filter }}&sort={{ sort }}">

can now be replaced with:

{% load foo_extras %}
<a href="{% append_to_get page=page_obj.next_page_number %}">

No GET parameters need be worried about, other than the page parameter. The template also will handle any new GET parameters by default, as it will submit the existing request's parameters without any extra instruction!.